August 29, 2011

Wikileaks cables & domain names

People familiar with ICANN circles and meetings now that diplomacy extends there too. It could therefore be expected to find Wikileaks cables covering domain names issues!

Three days ago, released a May 2008 cable related to... IDNs (!) Nothing confidential: It's mainly a report on a UNESCO meeting on Internationalized Domain Names that took place that same month. The reporter is clearly disconcerted by the lack of expertise of participants, and regrets that "it is these same voices that will try to draft UNESCO resolutions on Internet governance once this issue becomes sexy".

Cybersquatting was also discussed in a meeting on Intellectual Property Rights enforcement between Brazil and USA in 2005 (also released 3 days ago).

[merci à Benoît pour le tuyau sur le premier câble cité]

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